Deborah Ghisolfi

Deborah ci spiega come la passione per le persone e la comunicazione siano il suo motore. Per lei l’importante è divertirsi mentre si lavora. Per l’azienda è fondamentale fare team e permettere alle persone di trovare passione nel loro lavoro anche con l’introduzionedel gioco. In Italia siamo sulla giusta strada, quello che manca forse è sentire l’approccio agile come necessità formativa partendo dalle scuole.

I focus sono #agilemarketing #divertirsi #gioco #fiducia #istruzione



Leading Within @Andrea Provaglio

Talk – 35min

In organizations, change comes from leadership. That’s not necessarily connected with status and authority and, in fact, leadership can be manifested in many different ways (i.e. individual or collective) and styles. Still, the main force behind change is leadership. I’ve been coaching teams, organizations, leaders and managers along their path to agility for years. In this talk I’d like to point out how leadership in adaptive organizations is much subtler and pervasive than what we usually think and that its foundation lies in some character qualities that are frequently overlooked or underrated. Among this qualities we can find curiosity, empathy, courage and an attitude to listen deeply (which are in itself a personal journey of self-discovery and self-awareness) and that we need to be connected with ourselves as well as with others, before we can even start to think how to influence our environment from a leadership position. Active listening is also a practice that enables system-awareness and dialogue at the organizational level, something that adaptive organizations are in dire need of, if they want to to operate in innovation and adaptation rather than recycling old paradigms over and over again. This is a critical aspect if we want to create organizations that operate, internally and externally, on different assumptions than post-industrial, mechanistic organizations. Indeed, I believe this is the main reason behind many of the failures I’ve witnessed in Agile adoptions — namely, introducing change at the superficial, operational level, while being unable or unaware of changing the fundamental paradigms by which people operate and interact. In this talk I’d like to explore all that, share real-life stories and examples, mixed with a little bit of science, philosophy and practical advice, hoping that this will help organizations to better understand and create the kind of leadership that will let them thrive in a complex, adaptive world.


From Principles to Practices @MARCIN FLORYAN

Talk – 35min

In 2012 Henrik and Anders published a paper about scaling agile at Spotify and the “Spotify Model” was born. It since became both an inspiration and an instruction manual for building agile organisations. Sadly, more of the latter, with an implicit assumption that copying an organisational structure results in growth into agility. It is rarely so. In this talk we’ll go back to principles that underline how Spotify grows and operates. Using the Playback Tribe (one small part of Spotify) as an example, you will be able to see how these principles translate into specific practices. Practices that don’t only relate to how we build software but ones that can be applied in many business domains. Practices which help us navigate and develop the complex adaptive system that any organisation inevitably becomes.



Talk – 35min

The presentation will cover what HR managers need to be aware of when adjusting HR practices to the new paradigm of employee driven organizations and how to structure HR in an agile manner when it is more about making it possible for teams to self organize in an agile reality, unleashing human potential and optimizing for performance in a complex and agile world. Leadership practices needs to be adjusted to the new paradigm of employee-driven organisations and it will be more about creating prerequisites for innovation in infrastructure, culture, processes and systems. Motivating employees becomes possible with less control, transparent visualization, trust and continuous improvement.


Business Agility in Practice @BJARTE BOGSNES


Learn more about the adaptive management model Beyond Budgeting, from background to philosophy to its 12 principles covering both leadership and management. You will also hear about companies all over the world who have embarked on this journey, including the Statoil story – kicking out the budget (and much more) already back in 2005.





Marc sottolinea che l’agilità è un discorso mentalità. Dobbiamo andare ora oltre alla mera introduzione di tool; dobbiamo affrontare la sfida organizzativa creando u team appassionato e con una vision chiara. Il compito dei manager deve essere quello di rimuovere gli ostacoli per permettere alle persone di esprimere tutto il loro potenziale nel loro lavoro. Fiducia, creare una struttura con solo alcuni constraint e obiettivi chiari portano al meglio.

Il focus è su #trust #removeblocks #vision #passion #agility




Pia Maria descrive come l’approccio Agile debba essere permeato di sentimento e passione e come l’agilità è una parte fondamentale e naturale della sua persona.

I focus dell’intervista sono #cambiamento #motivazione #agilebehaviour




Bjarte spiega come ognuno di noi voglia fre la differenza; attraverso tale leva e connettendo i punti chiave dell’organizzazione siamo in grado di migliorare il business. Si parte cambiando il sistema e i vecchi concetti scolastici; il cambiamento è inevitabile e sta prendendo forma.

I focus è su #connectingdots #joinforces #education #change




Per Stephen agilità è la cultura dell’adattamento. È necessario creare un clima lavorativo adatto per poter rilasciare il potenziale delle persone. Solo così emergerà il potenziale del business e renderlo più innovativo e reattivo ai cambiamenti del mercato.

Il focus è su #culture #peoplepotential #businesspotential #people #reactiveness




Marcin Floryan ci spiega il suo contributo in Spotify evidenziando la passione e la fiducia nel lavorare con le persone. La posizione che ricopre e il suo compito sono sfidanti. Marcin interpreta l’agilità come la capacità di evolversi in un mondo complesso.

I focus sono #cambiamento, #motivazione, #fiducia, #agility