Growing Into Agility – Agile Business Day 2018

Agile Scaling: si può fare? Tra errori e successi, il percorso di trasformazione nell’IT di una azienda enterprise @ANTONIO MANTUANO @PIERPAOLO CIMIRRO – @TIZIANO INTERLANDI

TALK – 35min

In Cerved Group abbiamo effettuato un viaggio di agilizzazione che ha portato ad agilizzare una struttura IT di oltre 250 persone e a cui ha fatto seguito un successivo percorso per portare l’agile fuori dall’IT, verso strutture esterne come le vendite, il marketing, ecc… Ma far scalare l’agile non è semplice e richiede il superamento di tante difficoltà: organizzative, di mind set, di sponsorship, di cultura del management, ecc… Non è ancora una storia completa, ma tante sono state le tappe raggiunte.

Bringing agile back to manufacturing @GABRIELE PECE

TALK – 35min

Through my intervention, I would like to present the evolution of the smart manufacturing project at Pirelli Tyre. This has been made possible thanks to the adoption of the agile methodology, that has created an extended digital product development team in our factories.

During the 90s, the manufacturing sector had to face a deep transformation through “lean manufacturing”, and Pirelli proved to be an European pioneer of this process. Ccontinuous improvement become part of our DNA.
Two years ago we started our digital transformation, another big and important challenge..but way more difficult than the previous one.

ABD The Series 2018 – 8^ Episode

Two important Agile success stories: Pirelli and Cerved. Additionally, an unprecedented bonus-track.
The evolution of smart manufactoring thanks to the creation of a digital product team, and the agile transformation of a team of 250 people then expanded from the development to the entire company structure.
What challenges have these companies faced? What were the motivations that allowed success? What remains to do, and how?
This and much more are told to us by Gabriele Pece and Antonio Mantuano here:


(with the bonus track video!)

Bridging the Gap @EMILIANO SOLDI

TALK – 35min

Il team di sviluppo di macchine ad alto contenuto di software, con persone e che lavoravano prima separate, ora lavorano insieme ai tecnologi di processo, che rappresentano le esigenze dell’utilizzatore finale.
Il Product Owner diviene unico (HW più SW) e si deve occupare di definire i requisiti hardware, software e di processo.
Dal team emergono figure di supporto ai colleghi che rendono il ruolo dello Scrum Master coach meno stringente.

ABD The Series 2018 – 7^ Episode

On one hand, agile methodologies aim to reduce the distance between business and product development and, on the other, allow teams to become more effective in generating value, leveraging collaboration and allowing creativity to free themselves and prosper.
This is the case of XXXX where people that one time worked separately, now work together with process technologists, who represent the needs of the end user. The Product Owner becomes unique (HW + SW) and must be responsible for defining the hardware, software and process requirements.
In fact, Agile is applicable proportionally to how much the company fits the people around it, and to the teams these people are part of.
In doing so, ideas are never a problem and proliferate. Every team knows how easy it is to fill a backlog with tons of new things to do. The hard part comes when decisions need to be made about what to include or not. How is it possible to synchronize teamwork with business strategies and, at the same time, leave space for exploration?
All of this is told to us by Claudio Saurin, Emiliano Soldi, Mike Carew and Matteo Cavucci in the videos published here:


From the very large to the very small and then to the middle @MIKE CAREW @”FRIX” SCOPELITIS

TALK – 35min

Agile is applicable to the way your company fits into the community around it. It also applies to individuals in the company, and to the team the individual is a member of. It applies to the group in the company the team is part of and so on. Lean thinking asks us to look at the whole and what the impact of the part is on the whole. CA has experience with helpinbg companies and the people. We will share our experiences and describe how we can help.


TALK – 35min

Il team di sviluppo di macchine ad alto contenuto di software, con persone e che lavoravano prima separate, ora lavorano insieme ai tecnologi di processo, che rappresentano le esigenze dell’utilizzatore finale.
Il Product Owner diviene unico (HW più SW) e si deve occupare di definire i requisiti hardware, software e di processo.
Dal team emergono figure di supporto ai colleghi che rendono il ruolo dello Scrum Master coach meno stringente.

The right stuff @MATTEO CAVUCCI

TALK – 35min

Best Practice di Portfolio, Programme, Project Management e integrazione in contesti Agile @CHRISTIAN CANTÙ

TALK – 35min

L’intervento si pone l’obiettivo di illustrare le best practice disponibili e più riconosciute nell’ambito del governo delle iniziative strategiche di un’organizzazione (Portfolio Management) e di Programmi e Progetti complessi (Programme e Project Management) e di come queste possano essere integrate con tecniche e best practice in ambito agile (es. SCRUM, AgilePM, PRINCE2 Agile).