Ivano Masiero Computer Engineer, trainer and strategic Agile consultant.
He support the organizations in the products creation and services by interfacing with each other Agile, Lean Thinking and Design Thinking.
In the last two years he start the new adventure dedicated to designing learning experiences, to improve by experimenting.
An example is Kitto: a kit to unlearn created so that those who participate can enhance the training experience through a series of objects and stimuli designed to break the virtual dimension that divides us.
Agile Business Day 2021 – September 18!!!
2020 and 2021 were two particulars years. We have lived something that we couldn’t imagine, maybe we have seen similar things on movies or we read something ob books. We never imagined it would happen.
With #ABD21, we want to start finding a new formula for this event, in a period where for many people digital is part of everyday working life…
- online, to allow all of people those who want to follow conference from home;
- in-person, for all of people who will want to be present phisically;
Learn more –> https://www.agilebusinessday.com/m9_location/