Enabling Business Agility through Finance and HR
The level of VUCA; volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity in our business environments is at a record high. People also expect more from work than just a paycheck. How can we enable performance in these new business and people realities? How can we create more VUCA-robust management models, which also works with and not against human nature? How can we create a more engaging work environment, where people perform at their best because they want to, not because they are told to, and where learning faster than others is key?
This speech will inspire you to try new ways of working, where people and interactions are more valued than processes and tools, and where responding to change is more important than following a plan.
Learn from the fringes! Understand how management innovation can provide just as much competitive advantage as technology– and product innovation!
AULA MAGNA sab 10:00 — 45 min