*Event reserved for Electrolux staff

Nowadays, in a VUCAH world – Volatile, Uncertain, Changing, ambiguous and Hyper-Connected -, the consumption of products or services changes continuously, and the speed and adaptability in the creation of products and services is key.

Through Agile Management and Design Sprint methods we will be able to deliver what they need n the form of products and services that meet the challenges and needs of the market

The LEGO® Serious Play® methodology is one of the best and most innovative for the facilitation of thought, communication and problem solving to improve the performance of companies, teams, and individuals.



  • STAGE 1: VISION IN PRODUCT DESIGN (Context – Product User Interaction)
  • STAGE 2: RAPID PROTOTYPING ( 3D Concept – Minimum Viable Product )
  • STAGE 3: EVALUATION (Eligibility Criteria – Key Metrics of Success)

Educational Goals

Help participants understand the importance of the concept of prototype in current business

  • Enable participants to develop an attitude, mindset, and skills that are crucial for becoming a creative business person oriented to results.
  • Provide information, frameworks, and tools for identifying and pursuing sustainable innovative business opportunities and for develop succesfull prototypes
  • Expand participants thinking about corporate design and innovation beyond the design and development of new products to other fundamental sources of value creation using Design Thinking and Service Design

Target Audience

The IDEA GENERATION and SOLUTION course is aimed at people looking for a professional and applicable knowledge to understand Design Thinking & Innovation, their key tools, methods, and processes for agile management, that the professionals of the XXI Century need, Especially: Entrepreneurs Professors and Students – Teams & Startup managers – Intermediate managers and team leaders -Customer service Teams- Teams and sales managers- Teams and marketing managers – Teams and innovation managers- Operations Teams Public Service Teams – Managers and general managers.

Level and Pre-requisites


About your Trainer


UB Professor Creativity & Innovation

During more than 15 years I developed my professional activity in Philips Spain, in areas of Information Systems, Innovation and Management of the Knowledge. Nowadays I am iSOCO’s Director of Innovation and professor at the University of Barcelona in areas such as: Agile Project Management, Design Thinking, Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Also I am the director of the “Club of Entrepreneurship and Innovation” at the University of Barcelona.

My core competences are friendly, empathy and active listening, leadership, facilitation and team building, goal oriented and a strong social commitment For more than 20 years, I have worked with different organizations, startups, universities and communities as facilitator and instructor of high performance teams for organizational innovation and advanced management, sharing the value of knowledge, and recently I participated at the Dubai Government Excellence Program 2017 as Innovation Management Assessor.

Info on https://www.perejuarez.com

Training Materials

The registration fee includes:

  • Two exceptional training days with Pere Juarez
  • Course material in English.


*Event reserved for Electrolux staff


Innovation Factory of Electrolux

Corso Lino Zanussi 24, 33080 Porcia – PN 

Dates and Hours

14 – 15 Febbraio 2019



This course will be in in

English & Italian 

For additional information on lodging or for any other request, please email us at workshops@agilebusinessday.com