L’arte di massimizzare la quantità di lavoro non svolto @LORENZO MASSACCI

TALK – 35min

L’arte di massimizzare il lavoro non svolto è uno dei 12 principi alla base del manifesto agile e spinge i team ad abbracciare l’idea di lavorare su una serie di attività condivise, capaci di portare realmente valore al progetto. La sua applicazione tocca i contesti operativi come quelli tattici e manageriali perchè lavora sulla complessità delle relazioni che intercorrono tra gli attori di un progetto e il processo che abilita la sua realizzazione.


TALK – 35min

Darò una spiegazione su valori e principi dell’Agile Marketing e del Growth Hacking mettendoli a confronto. Farò emergere differenze e punti di contatto fra i due approcci e alla fine capiremo perché il mix è una delle soluzioni a cui le aziende possono cominciare a pensare per massimizzare lo sforzo di transizione.

Come ho cambiato il mio approccio al Change Management nelle transizioni Agile @ALESSIO DEL TORO

TALK – 35min

In questo speech voglio mettere in risalto l’importanza di adottare un modello di Change Management quando ci muoviamo verso una transizione Agile. Il cambiamento richiesto è importante e spesso si sottovaluta l’impatto sull’organizzazione cosa che può portare verso un fallimento della transizione.

Close Keynote: The Chameleon Effect @STEPHEN PARRY


Business agility is rooted in the leadership style, the work design, work-climate and people development. Unlike traditional organisations that define themselves by the products or services they produce, adaptive organisations define themselves by the value they create leaving them free to develop new and innovative products and services. This requires structures, practices and people that can continually sense and respond to the most appropriate emerging customer needs before your competitors do.

Being Agile – Beyond Code @BELINDA WALDOCK

TALK – 35min

In this session Belinda will share her experiences of agile in her role as a business coach working with technical and non-technical teams to adopt agile beyond its use as a software development methodology.

Purposeful Agile @OANA JUNCU

TALK – 35min

Throw a purpose in a middle of a crowd, it will start to self-organize. Acting in a purpose driven way is less obvious for organisations. More a company grows, more dissolved into the Process the original business purpose becomes.

Worst Practices @MARC LÖFFLER

TALK – 35min

Imagine, that your company wants to implement a promising framework, like, e.g., Scrum. The management expects better products, a faster Time To Market (TTM) and projects, that are in time and budget. Although they implemented Scrum by the book, after about half a year, they realize, that none of the promises came true.

Business Agility in Practice @BJARTE BOGSNES


Learn more about the adaptive management model Beyond Budgeting, from background to philosophy to its 12 principles covering both leadership and management. You will also hear about companies all over the world who have embarked on this journey, including the Statoil story – kicking out the budget (and much more) already back in 2005.


From Principles to Practices @MARCIN FLORYAN

Talk – 35min

In 2012 Henrik and Anders published a paper about scaling agile at Spotify and the “Spotify Model” was born. It since became both an inspiration and an instruction manual for building agile organisations. Sadly, more of the latter, with an implicit assumption that copying an organisational structure results in growth into agility. It is rarely so. In this talk we’ll go back to principles that underline how Spotify grows and operates. Using the Playback Tribe (one small part of Spotify) as an example, you will be able to see how these principles translate into specific practices. Practices that don’t only relate to how we build software but ones that can be applied in many business domains. Practices which help us navigate and develop the complex adaptive system that any organisation inevitably becomes.


Leading Within @Andrea Provaglio

Talk – 35min

In organizations, change comes from leadership. That’s not necessarily connected with status and authority and, in fact, leadership can be manifested in many different ways (i.e. individual or collective) and styles. Still, the main force behind change is leadership. I’ve been coaching teams, organizations, leaders and managers along their path to agility for years. In this talk I’d like to point out how leadership in adaptive organizations is much subtler and pervasive than what we usually think and that its foundation lies in some character qualities that are frequently overlooked or underrated. Among this qualities we can find curiosity, empathy, courage and an attitude to listen deeply (which are in itself a personal journey of self-discovery and self-awareness) and that we need to be connected with ourselves as well as with others, before we can even start to think how to influence our environment from a leadership position. Active listening is also a practice that enables system-awareness and dialogue at the organizational level, something that adaptive organizations are in dire need of, if they want to to operate in innovation and adaptation rather than recycling old paradigms over and over again. This is a critical aspect if we want to create organizations that operate, internally and externally, on different assumptions than post-industrial, mechanistic organizations. Indeed, I believe this is the main reason behind many of the failures I’ve witnessed in Agile adoptions — namely, introducing change at the superficial, operational level, while being unable or unaware of changing the fundamental paradigms by which people operate and interact. In this talk I’d like to explore all that, share real-life stories and examples, mixed with a little bit of science, philosophy and practical advice, hoping that this will help organizations to better understand and create the kind of leadership that will let them thrive in a complex, adaptive world.