Surfing Organizational Entropy – ABD19 – Enrica Lipari

Surfing Organizational Entropy
Customer Obsession and customer centricity are part of Vodafone’s DNA and definitely are the main objectives for our business strategy. The Digital Transformation program enable the maximization of opportunities which come from the digital ecosystem in order to offer better products and services, close to our customer’s needs and with very short cycle time.
The HR and Organization Department plays a fundamental role in the implementation of the Digital Transformation program: the agile organizational design, the introduction of new skills and a new governance system have been the target of our first year but new challenges are awaiting!
Cultural change and our way of working settle within the whole organization in an organic, harmonious and sustainable vision of digital change. The organizational effectiveness and business results are achieved integrating ways of working, deeply different rhythms and areas, for the wellbeing of the entire organization and the people who live it, in a way of minimizing organizational entropy.
Enrica and Dario, in a double role of “Agile Transformation” and “Traditional Organization”, will share with us how the two worlds meet and challenge each other every day in order to balance the opportunity to adopt agile organizational models in harmony with traditional organizational structures, with the need to preserve organizational efficiency and achieve a real business agility.

AULA 5A ven 12:45 — 35 min